Corporate Communications

When I write communications, I approach it with the intent to not only inform employees but also to make the company you work with feel more like a community. When you look at my drive to connect audiences with the most up-to-date information in my earlier journalism and public relations work in nonprofits, it makes sense that I ended up here in corp comm.

BNP Paribas | Communications Writing | Currently on contract through an agency, I write and edit enterprise-wide content and executive communications with BNP Paribas, Corporate and Institutional Banking, Americas platform. I write and edit communications in a multi-channel approach to internal audiences, which include email marketing, intranet news posts, and employee engagement events like leadership discussions, fireside chats and town halls. In addition, I design and edit the weekly CIB US newsletter, which seems fitting as a “Zine Queen.” #UncommonJobs

Profiles on leaders from the BNP Paribas featured in the Nov 21, 2022 issue of Crain’s New York Business.

Apple | Communications Editing | In a “Career Experience” with a communications and design team under AppleCare, I had the opportunity to work closely with technical writers to learn Apple’s Global Service Exchange (GSX) platform and copyedit service news communications for global AppleCare accounts. When editing, I looked for clarity, consistency, grammar, localization, and alignment with Apple Style Guide, Chicago Manual of Style and in-house style guides. Through the experience, I developed Service News templates for the team based on common article requests so that the team has more time to work on requests for communications by AppleCare accounts.